Visual Cryptography Transparency Viewer (2 out of 2)

Move the bottom transparency over the top one and stack them; For easy alignment, you can move both transparencies to the top-left corner

If your web browser does not allow you to run this Applet, read instructions below. (Last updated on Sept. 9th, 2015)

On Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu 14.04): Firefox is recommended; Steps

1)       Close your Firefox web browser

2)       Run: sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin

3)       Run: apt-get install default-jre

4)       Restart your Firefox web browser and visit this page

On Mac OS? You are on your own, but at least update your Java with this link first

On MS Windows: Firefox is recommended; Steps

1)       Update your Firefox to the latest recent version

2)       Click this link to check your Java version. Update it (with this link) if necessary

3)       Restart your web browser and visit this page

4)       Still got an error? Import this certificate into your Java store with these instructions and then restart your web browser (updated on 09/09/2015)

5)       Still not working? Adjust your Java security level to high by following these slides

6)       What? Still not working? You are killing me. Try this

On Android Devices and iPad? Not supported



  1. This demo is a re-implementation of this paper
  2. This demo was developed by Haroun Macalisang and Alexandru Bardas


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